A Funny Poem About the Pope

ParraIf you read poetry, you probably know who Neruda is. However, there is a Chilean poet called Nicanor Parra who might be better.

He is Neruda’s near-contemporary and is still living, aged 100. Parra said of Neruda: “let the birds sing, man talks.”

Because I just encountered Parra’s “anti-poetry” and am in open-mouthed awe, I will be featuring his work for the next few weeks. Below is a funny poem about the pope that I liked for its humor, but also because it treats its subject with grace.


The Poems of the Pope



They just elected me Pope:

I’m the most famous man in the world!



Now I’m at the top of the ecclesiastical profession

and I can die in peace



The Cardinals are angry

because I don’t treat them like I used to

too solemn?

but I’m the Pope goddamm it…



First thing tomorrow

I’ll move into the Vatican



The title of my address:

How to Succeed in the Ecclesiastical Profession



Congratulations are pouring in

every newspaper in the world

has my picture on the front page


and one thing’s for sure:

I look much younger than I really am



Ever since I was a boy

I wanted to be Pope

why’s everybody so surprised

I worked like a dog

to get what I wanted



Holy Mother of God

I forgot to bless the multitude!


Translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman 



One response to “A Funny Poem About the Pope”

  1. Much appreciated! Just to note that the original Spanish text can be found at http://esplendidobonobo.tumblr.com/post/45431675079/nicanor-parra

    Among the sections that glow in Spanish:
    3. Los Cardenales están molestos conmigo
    porque no los saludo como antes
    ¿demasiado solemne?
    es que soy el Papa caramba

    And this is too good:
    5. Tema de mi Discurso:
    Cómo triunfar en la Carrera Eclesiástica


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